Uneven Same

Uneven Same Saxophonquartet

Manuela Villiger (ss/as), Eva-Maria Karbacher (as), Vera Wahl (ts/as), Silke Strahl (bs/as)

Thomas K.J. Mejers Quartets Nr. 1, 2, 5 and 7

Excerpts with Video

Since 1990 Thomas K.J. Mejer composes saxophone quartets, in which the traditional instrumentation (ss, as, ts, bs) and a monochrome with four identical saxophones alternate.  7 ½ are finished, 15 are to be: A life’s work? Maybe, but it’s not finished yet and Mejer isn’t under the earth yet. 5 of them can now be heard on an LP/CD co-produced by SRF (Swiss Radio&Television).

The saxophone quartet Uneven Same with Silke Strahl, Vera Wahl, Eva-Maria Karbacher and Manuela Villiger plays unfussy, powerful and yet light-footed through the most diverse timbres of the energetic as well as at time filigree works. The sixth quartet Resonating Voids is written for the rare contrabass saxophone and played by the composer on multiple tracks.

Many Thanks for the financial support!

Stiftung Charlotte und Joseph Kopp-Maus
Stiftung Monika Widmer